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Male high school track athlete dominates girls, qualifies for state finals after capturing 2 gold medals
Images via The DailyMail/The Report/YouTube (screenshots

Male high school track athlete dominates girls, qualifies for state finals after capturing 2 gold medals

The boy first made headlines after outpacing girls by more than 5 seconds in a 200m race

A male who claims to be female outperformed his more feminine competitors in two separate days of races in Oregon high school track and field events.

Aayden Gallagher is a 10th-grade student at McDaniel High School and will soon compete in the Oregon state finals at the varsity level after yet another event saw him win two gold medals against girls.

Gallagher first made headlines in April 2024 when he was seen on video dominating females in a 200-meter heat.

He officially clocked in at 25.49, while the second-place finisher was a full five seconds behind. Gallagher easily won the heat but did not finish with the best time in the event. In a separate heat, sophomore Aster Jones of Roosevelt High School beat Gallagher's time by more than a second at 24.43.

The footage garnered worldwide reactions, however, with comments from the likes of Texas Sen. Ted Cruz (R), who called it "disgraceful."

"Let's call this what it is: encouraged AND celebrated cheating at the hands of the 'adults' in the room. So many fingers to point, but shame on the parents, the schools, the boy, our weak administration," said former NCAA athlete Riley Gaines. Gaines also called out the Oregon athletic body in charge.

"My daughter has been running track since she was 7 years old and to work so hard for so many years, for it to be taken away by a boy that cannot get attention any other way than to run against girls."

Nearly a month later, the same boy was pictured again taking first place in the girls 400-meter varsity run, and second place in the 200 meter. This qualified the teen for the Portland championships.

According to the Daily Mail, the Oregon State Athletic Association has allowed students to "participate for the athletic or activity program of their consistently asserted gender identity."

Gallagher was defeated in the 200 meter by his likely arch nemesis Jones, who beat him at the aforementioned event, as well. Jones defeated the trans-identifying boy by 0.17 seconds.

In the 400 meter, however, Gallagher defeated the female runners by several seconds.

Fast forward to the Portland Interscholastic League Championships where Gallagher was at peak performance winning two gold medals to earn a spot at the state finals.

Gallagher dominated both the 200-meter and 400-meter events and took the top of the podium alongside his less-than-enthusiastic competitors.

A parent of one of the female racers in the district allegedly told the Publica that the boy's inclusion in the events have been "disappointing and frustrating."

"My daughter has been running track since she was 7 years old and to work so hard for so many years, for it to be taken away by a boy that cannot get attention any other way than to run against girls," the parent reportedly said.

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Andrew Chapados

Andrew Chapados

Andrew Chapados is a writer focusing on sports, culture, entertainment, gaming, and U.S. politics. The podcaster and former radio-broadcaster also served in the Canadian Armed Forces, which he confirms actually does exist.
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